California 1203.4 PC

a constant state of emergency

Can Any Society Live Without Guns? NO

There are only two absolutes in life – birth and death. In between, there is ONLY survival. You should never believe that survival is based upon any one other than YOURSELF. It cannot be “enabled” by any government. The ability to create equality is NOT financially based whatsoever. It’s the ability to equally defend your right to live (survive) – comprised of two components – 1. The ability to know the hazards that may stop you from living; 2. The ultimate ability to protect yourself from those hazards.

Ultimate means final – which is why all governments understand that they must have the most powerful WEAPONS to ensure their continuity (survival). They also understand that information about possible threats is equally critical in determining what weapons are necessary.

Ultimate security for any individual to survive is the ability to defend that survival. Since our individual resources are limited (in the overwhelming existence of human kind), we look at the past, the present, and the future, and see that firearms are the most RELEVANT and MOST EFFECTIVE means of survival against personal threats of one’s survival.

At each and every time throughout history that an individual was barred from the knowledge, rights, and ability to ultimately protect themselves, they were enslaved by others.


“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”